Five reasons fearing flying is Irrational

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Five reasons fearing flying is Irrational
Commercial air travel has only been widely available to the public for just about 60 years. So it is understandable that some people still feel scared to fly. It doesn’t seem ‘natural’ to board a huge tubular structure with hundreds of other people, along with over 250+ tons of baggage, equipment, and fuel, and know that it can safely take flight the way birds do, and land after traversing hundreds or thousands of miles. Common sense would seem to dictate that large things like airplanes shouldn’t be able to get up in the air that easily, much less stay aloft for that long. But here are 5 reasons that feeling scared of commercial flying is silly:
- It’s the safest form of travel on planet earth:
- Over 100 times safer than driving or riding in cars (and getting safer every year)
- 67 times safer than taking a bus.
- 17 times safer than riding a trainn
2. Stringent regulations and oversight that are far higher than for any other mode of transportation:
- Rigorous regulations and comprehensive checks.
- Pilots undergo extensive training and yearly recertification.
- Aircraft are subject to regular maintenance and safety checks.
3. Advanced Technology: Modern aircraft are equipped with advanced technology and safety systems, like collision avoidance & automated flight controls.
4. Continuous Improvement: According to a study by MIT, commercial flight safety has improved roughly twice as much each decade since the 1960s1. This continuous improvement is often compared to “Moore’s Law” in computing, indicating a consistent reduction in risk over time.
5. Global Safety Standards: International aviation organizations, such as the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), set global safety standards that airlines must adhere to, ensuring a high level of safety worldwide2.

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99% success rate over 30 years of practice
Here is the bottom line: In the unlikely event of a system failure during flight, the aircraft seamlessly transitions to an alternate system. Should the secondary system malfunction, the pilots can engage one of the backup systems at their disposal. If that also fails to rectify the issue, they are equipped to access another backup, or in extreme situations, an emergency backup system. Pilots often report feeling a greater sense of security while airborne compared to being on solid ground. This confidence stems from the greater level of control they wield in the air. With increased control comes heightened safety; similarly, a deep understanding of the complexities of commercial aviation translates to enhanced feelings of security.
When operating a vehicle, individuals often feel a sense of safety rooted in their most fundamental emotional control mechanism, the brain’s mobilization system, which serves as a reliable backup. In the event of a car accident, one can visualize stepping out onto solid ground. While it’s universally acknowledged that some accidents can be severe, the ability to envision escaping the vehicle serves as a powerful tool in managing anxiety. Conversely, the notion of being trapped, whether in an elevator or an aircraft, triggers considerable distress.
During flight, although there may not be a physical exit available, an engineering exit exists. For every essential component utilized in flight, there exists a corresponding backup device. These backup systems are as tangible as the ground itself. While it is not possible to physically step onto these devices as one can step onto the ground, pilots are acutely aware of their ability to transition from a compromised device to a functioning duplicate that has been systematically prepared for such scenarios. The concept of moving from a non-operational system to a reliable secondary or tertiary device must become as ingrained in our cognitive framework as the notion of exiting a disabled vehicle onto the earth.
In my TOTAL RESET program, you will have access to a training module that helps you understand at an intellectual level why commercial flight is the safest form of transportation on the planet. It’s safer than driving, taking a train or bus, biking, or even walking on a busy street.
If you are interested in learning more about how the TOTAL RESET program can change your life by enabling you to attend family events, go on stress-free vacations with your romantic partner, and supercharge your business by allowing you to go anywhere in the world, then use the link below to schedule your free strategy session.