Flying Phobia Therapy NYC

Rewire your brain for fearless flying in just
3 sessions

99% Success Rate

Cure your fear of flying with a 99% success rate.

1-3 sessions

Over 30 years experience leading with excellence.

Easy and Painless

Life changing results in just one to three sessions.
Easy, fast and cost effective.

How To Get Started


Complimentary Strategy Call

Chat with Dr. Bob in a free strategy call to see if the program is right for you. Get answers to your questions and discuss your goals. If it’s a good fit, decide when to book your first appointment.


Complete Intake Application

If you choose the program, you’ll receive a secure link to complete and sign intake, policies, and consent documents. This process takes 15-20 minutes.


Book Your First Appointment

After your application is accepted, we’ll contact you to schedule your first appointment within 2-3 days. Dr. Bob will explain the procedure, answer your questions, and outline the steps of the resolution method.


Follow-Up Appointments

Most cases are resolved in 2-3 sessions. You’ll undergo the procedure, and tests will ensure the phobia is resolved. A follow-up form is sent 2-3 weeks later to confirm your success.

Re-storing the experience of flying to feel safe.
Sonya discusses how the method eliminated a phobia of flying she had for over 30 years.

Are You Struggling with These Issues?

Just thinking about flying sends you into a spiral of intense fear and panic, making everyday tasks seem impossible. This overwhelming anxiety can dominate your life, leaving you feeling trapped and powerless, unable to escape the constant dread. You avoid travel plans and make excuses, missing out on life’s opportunities and adventures.

Your fear of flying triggers severe physical symptoms such as heart palpitations, excessive sweating, nausea, and dizziness. These reactions not only make flying unbearable but also cause ongoing health issues, impacting your day-to-day well-being. The stress takes a toll on your body, leaving you exhausted and anxious long before you even step onto a plane.

The thought of losing control during a flight terrifies you, causing paralyzing anxiety. This fear can lead to panic attacks, making you feel helpless and vulnerable every time you think about boarding a plane. The fear of an uncontrollable situation in the air keeps you grounded, limiting your freedom and autonomy.

Your phobia stops you from traveling, affecting your professional life and preventing you from enjoying vacations with family. This restriction limits your career growth, strains your relationships, and robs you of valuable experiences and memories. Important business opportunities and cherished family moments slip away as you remain stuck, unable to overcome your fear.

Living with a flying phobia causes significant emotional distress, making you feel like a failure for not overcoming this fear. These feelings of inadequacy and helplessness can erode your self-esteem and negatively impact your overall quality of life. The constant battle with your phobia leaves you emotionally drained, frustrated, and disconnected from your goals and desires.

My Promise to You

I’m going to remove your flying phobia permanently – and you’ll never have it again

This shortcut requires almost no talking and is done in complete comfort.

My Promise to You

I will show you how to quickly and easily escape your flying phobia with the RE-STORE Method, so you will always have a toolkit to conquer flight anxiety.
This shortcut requires almost no talking and is done in complete comfort. You’ll learn techniques and resources to ensure permanent change and handle any future irrational fears.

With the Flying Phobia Removal Method, You Will Have

Freedom from the fear of flying.

Confidence to travel anywhere.

Tools to turn off irrational fears while staying safe.

Rest and arrive refreshed on flights.

Control over your emotions to enjoy life more.

Focus on intimacy with your partner during trips.

Fun on vacations without the stress of traveling.

Confidence, not fear, when taking off and landing.

Does This Really Work?

How I use Virtual Reality to PROVE it works!

  • We will use VR briefly to test and measure how fearful you feel when flying. 
  • Then we remove the VR headset and do the Flying Phobia Total Reset Method. 
  • Finally, the VR headset goes back on to test and measure the results and help you to feel completely comfortable with flying. 

Flying Phobia Myths & Misconception

Things that Don't Work

While they may temporarily help manage physiological symptoms of fear for some people who have practiced them, they do not fix or change the wiring of a phobia. If you have experienced the terrifying feeling of a panic attack, you know intuitively you and your body feel out of control and not amenable to these techniques, unless you’ve had years of practice. this still won’t cure a phobia, which is a conditioned response to a specific stimulus. 

Phobias live in the emotional part of the brain (Amygdala), not the cognitive part (Prefrontal Cortex). Using a cognitive approach is like removing a brain tumor starting at the elbow. It’s a long way away and not the most effective way to get there.

Make it worse because they teach the brain that there is something to fear and risks dependency. Research shows that repeated use heightens sensitivity to phobic stimuli. The fear response can generalize to other situations when not on the medication due to this heightened sensitivity. 

Flying Phobia Myths

If it only took you one or two experiences to learn flying phobia, why can’t it take one or two experiences to  unlearn it using reverse conditioning? 

Narrative therapies and Exposure only puts you and your brain back in the state you have been avoiding because it is so noxious and uncomfortable. It’s like having surgery while fully awake and without anesthesia. Why go through that when there is proven better method like Total Reset, which bypasses the cognitive and language centers of the brain.

If you’ve had a phobia for any length of time, avoiding the whole issue only makes it worse over time because the brain concludes there must be a good reason you have avoided it, thus reinforcing the idea that there is something dangerous to avoid. 

Cost to Not Fix This:


Spending on ineffective therapies, lost opportunities.


Feeling restricted and like a failure.


Impact on relationships and family.


Restrictions on activities.


Long-term health impact.

Flying Phobia Removal Method

By following these five steps you’ll have the confidence to travel anywhere with tools that help turn off irrational fears while keeping you safe. Enjoy relaxation on flights, allowing you to sleep and arrive rested. Gain control over your emotions to enhance your enjoyment of life.

“This is a simple but powerful 5-step process that can be done in 2-3 sessions”

Phobia Erasure Movie

Eliminates 80-100% of the phobic response in 30 mins.

Associative Retraining

Uses guided imagery to feel safe flying.

Rational Mind Strengthening

Eliminates fears of fear and panic.

Knowledge Transfer

Basic principles of flight.

Fool Proof Anxiety Destroyers

Quick techniques to manage anxiety in any situation.

Good News

You don’t have to stay stuck with unnecessary fears. Gain freedom to build your best
life, enjoy quality time with loved ones, and live without phobia.

I Want To Help You Fix This:

You have two options:

  1. Figure it out yourself, wasting time and money.
  2. Get help from an expert who can fast-track your success.

How I Can Help:

I’ve set aside time to speak with you personally about applying this system to your life. The call is free, and you’ll gain clarity on overcoming your flying fears. If it’s a good fit, you might become one of my exclusive clients.

If We Work Together:

  1. You will overcome flying phobia without exposure or talk therapy.
  2. You will have a strategy for anxiety elimination without years of therapy.
  3. You will be free to travel for business, make deals, and close sales.
  4. You will enjoy travel without unnecessary fears.