Address 303 5th Avenue, near the northeast corner of 31st street & 5th Avenue, just 3 blocks south of the Empire State Building in midtown Manhattan.

If you drive in, you will need to pay for a parking garage. To find garages, use the Best Parking app on your smartphone.

Monday-Friday. I see people either in the early morning (7-9am), or late afternoon (4-6pm).

Sessions are typically 50-60 minutes. But it can run longer if need be.

I charge a flat fee of $2000 to completely remove your flying phobia (or any specific phobia). That usually works out to 2-3 sessions. But I will work with you as long as it takes to get your desired result.

I can provide you with a statement that you can submit to your insurance for out of network coverage that you may be reimbursed for. I am not in the network for any insurance plans and do not accept assignment from insurance companies.

My clients report life-changing resolutions of phobias, traumas, and bad memories. Considering that other therapies take a minimum of 10 sessions and cost $2500-$4000 and up, it’s worth it!

Call me for a free 20-minute consultation. From there we can set up your initial appointment. I only accept clients who I am confident I can help become completely free of their phobia.

After our phone consultation, I will email you a secure link to the forms. Once you have completed them, we will schedule our first appointment. This way we can preserve our session time for the clinical work.

Cancellation must be at least 24 hours prior to scheduled appointment time. Appointments canceled less than 24 hours prior to appointment time will incur an additional $300 charge, not applied to the flat fee.

Absolutely. I am everyone friendly and prize diversity in my practice.

We will spend time mapping out your specific desired outcome. Then I will talk with you about the mechanics of how a phobia develops, what the Total Reset Method is, how it works, and explain to you step-by-step what will happen in the session that will completely and permanently eliminate your flying phobia.

Interesting, effective, and fast with life changing results.

In order to learn how to do this I was a subject of these methods in my training classes for over 20 years. I also periodically have used psychotherapy. I did have some brief hypnotherapy from my trainer after 9/11 and it helped me put that experience squarely behind me.

Masters and Doctoral degrees in clinical social work plus over 25 years of hypnotherapy training.

No. If you are looking for that, I am not the right person for you. In fact, if you are taking anxiety medications I will probably not accept you as my client until you have been off of them for at least 2 months.

Yes, in the State of New York.

Yes, a brief note summarizing what we did after the session is over.

No. You will sit in a comfortable chair in my office.

You can ask anything you want. If it is relevant to the topic we’re discussing, I will answer it. If it’s not, I might ask you why you asked it?

If you’re coming to have your flying phobia removed, usually 2-3 sessions is all it takes. But I do tailor the treatment to the person I’m seeing, which could mean more or less time than that.

Sometimes, when they experience tremendous changes and feel relief from them. I have also had people laugh after receiving the treatment as they no longer fear or suffer from what they previously feared.

Actually, other than telling me you have a phobia and how it manifests,  you don’t need to share anything more. We can employ the method content free.

Anyone who is committed to change.

My approach is both collaborative and directive.

I won’t see anyone who is not committed or willing to make a commitment to change. If you are taking anti-anxiety meds, you will need to be off them for at least 60 days before we can work together to get rid of your phobia.

I help you create the conditions for you to learn and experience change in your life.

Eye Movement Dissociative Reprocessing. It’s not something I do because I have another technique that is the basis for EMDR and works more quickly and effectively. It’s called EMI (Eye Movement Integration) and has been around a lot longer than EMDR. I sometimes use it, when needed, to enhance the other techniques in the Total Reset Method. It has been documented that the developer of EMDR, Francine Shapiro, took her ideas from the NLP method known as EMI and adapted them to create something she could say was wholly hers.

The risk is that getting rid of your phobia is such a major change that you don’t recognize the self you were used to before that change. The main benefit of removing your flying phobia is FREEDOM to go anywhere you want with the people you care about and get to meet with people you only previously could see virtually. If you want to succeed in a career or your own business that requires travel, the benefit of Total Reset phobia removal is incalculable and life changing.

Total Reset is set up primarily for in person sessions. However, if you have VR equipment in your home, like Oculus Meta Quest VR,  and you prefer virtual, it is possible to deliver this method virtually and be just as effective.

There are many books and online self-self study programs available. If you have a mild or even moderate fear of flying, these may be a better and less expensive option than my program. But if you are truly phobic about flying (Aviophobia; Aerophobia), then self study courses or even coaching is not likely to work very well for you.

I think of myself not as a therapist, but rather as a change agent who will show you how to reprogram your subconscious mind and rewire your brain to get the results you want in life. As opposed to therapists, my goal is to get the results as quickly and easily as possible. For that I don’t need to delve into every aspect of your life or keep you in “therapy” indefinitely like so many other therapists.

Adults who have a problem, know what they want help with, and are punctual and committed to change.

“Hypnosis is an induced passive state in which there is an increased amenability and responsiveness to suggestions and commands, provided that these do not conflict with the subject’s own conscious or unconscious wishes” (Dorland’s Medical Dictionary, 1974 edition). Generally, this responsiveness and ability to focus is related to the ability of the hypnotist and on the rapport between hypnotist and client.

Hypnotic state and trance state are often used interchangeably. When someone is in a trance state, they’re in a state of focused attention on a singular thought, feeling, or activity. The trance state provides freedom from one’s ordinary conscious tendency to focus on distracting, irrelevant, or negative conscious considerations. Most of us regularly experience trance. For example, when we’re engrossed in a book, TV show, or movie, and are so focused that we don’t hear what someone just said to us or are not aware of other distractions in our environment, we are in a trance state.

My training and practice is in Ericksonian Hypnosis and NLP, which stands for Neuro-Linguistic Programming. NLP is a communication model to influence thoughts, feelings and behaviors in ourselves and others. It often involves language patterns that induce a very ‘light’ trance. Clients are awake and in a relaxed state and in complete control of their consciousness as they are asked to bring up images, thoughts, or feelings of experience in the past or a desired future.

In hypnotherapy the therapist takes a very active role in guiding the content and imagery of the session. The client allows the therapist to drive. In psychotherapy there is more discussion between client and therapist where the client drives the content of the discussion. Hypnotherapy sessions require advanced preparation by the therapist and are typically quite structured. Psychotherapy sessions are by comparison less structured and more responsive to what the client brings to the session.

Phobias, Post-Traumatic flashbacks or nightmares, and  bad memories. I have specialized training in the use of techniques developed by the world’s greatest clinical masters that are the most effective methods of trauma and phobia resolution.

If you are coming to me to remove a phobia, like Aviophobia, in the first session we have 3 main objectives:

  1. Define your desired outcome: In specific terms, I will ask you to tell me what you want and how you will know when you have achieved that;
  2. Teach you about phobias. You will learn how they come about and what is going on in the phobic brain
  3. Map out the method that will completely remove your phobia. You will have an understanding about why and how this method works.

When you sign up for Total Reset, you will receive a link to a webinar on Flight Dynamics. While it is not required, I do recommend that you view it before the next session so that you have a clear understanding about why commercial air travel is the safest form of travel on the planet. In the treatment session, your job is to mainly sit back, relax, and let me guide you through the process.

Hypnotherapy and NLP are part of the Total Reset Method. I also use Virtual Reality as a testing tool to measure your response to the feared activity, both before and after the treatment. The tests take no more than 90 seconds and include a biometric measurement.

Immersive Virtual Reality is a pretty safe modality with few, if any risks of brief use. Some people may experience side effects of dizziness or motion sickness due to the relationship dissonance between visual perception of motion without the body experience of motion. A small percentage of people experience nausea for the same reason. As you will only be using it for a very short period of 2-3 minutes in total, the risk of this is minimal.

That is not what I typically offer. But if someone wants to request that with me, we can discuss it.

If you’re a first-time client, you can simply call for the free phone consultation. If we already know each other, text is fine for appointment scheduling or other housekeeping issues. If you’re reaching out for the first time via text or email, please include your full name, date of birth, phone contact, and best times for me to call you back.

By bicycle in almost any weather condition, except heavy rain or snow.

I like physical activity (swimming, biking, hiking, walking), movies, theater, and taking my dog out to experience the world.

Bicycle touring at age 20 I slept in a cemetery in Maine on the way to Nova Scotia. It was actually very quiet and relaxing!

I like physical activity (swimming, biking, hiking, walking), movies, theater, and taking my dog out to experience the world.

That’s easy. Just ask me by calling, texting, or emailing! 😊